
Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Where have I been?

It's been awhile since I updated my blog! Between work and taking care of Kingster I've been a little busy! Since I'm two months behind I'll make it quick. He's sitting up now, rolling everywhere, got his first hair cut, has two incredibly cute bottom teeth, eats everything and makes messes. We've had a lot of fun on Halloween, he was a dragon! So I'm going to include some of my favorite pics!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

5 months and counting

The time has just flown by! We have been having a great summer with our little man and I look forward to everyday because there's always something new! He's rolling all over the place now and I have to watch him carefully. Also everything goes straight in the mouth, even his feet! I look at everything through his eyes now. We've done so many fun things, like going to a football game, homecoming parade, visiting the zoo again! Plus just the everyday fun things like playing, bath time and going outside for walks! My favorite part of my long day is snuggling with my little man and rocking him to sleep. It makes it all worth it!

Hanging wit da da!


Monkeying around!

I love momma!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Four Months!

It seems like I just started this blog the other day! We have been having a blast with Mr. K, he's so much fun now! He laughs and smiles all the time, rolls over, screams for fun, and plays!! I'm posting some pics of his new favorite things to do. We also started feeding him rice cereal, which he doesn't like but it's fun to try something new! He now weighs 14lbs, is 26 inches long, which our doctor says is long as a typical six month old! The funny thing is his head is only in the 18th percentile! But he's still as cute as can be! I love everyday with him because there's always something new!

Ewww!! What is this stuff?

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Summer Fun!

We've been doing all kinds of fun things this summer! It's been a blast introducing him to all these new things. First time in Grammies pool!
Hanging out with Khloe at her sisters birthday party!

At the Tulsa Aquarium!
Mohawk!I love my bumbo chair!

Monday, June 29, 2009

First Fourth Pics!

We took some photos of Kingston in our studio the other day in his cute Fourth of July outfit. Here's some of my favorites!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Two months later

This was us two months ago today!
I can't believe its already been two months and man have things changed! We went to the doctor today for his checkup and shots ( I couldn't even watch!). He now weighs 11 lbs and is 23 in. long. It's amazing how much he's grown in such a short time! Right now he has started smiling and laughing and makes the funniest noises. He fits into our life so easily I can't imagine what we did before he got here. To show how much he's changed I'm posting some before and after shots. Hope you enjoy!

This is him at 3 days old and now at 2 months!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

To the zoo!

Yes I realize that he is only 6 weeks old, but I've been dying to go to the zoo forever! And having a kid is finally a good excuse to go. Aaron pushed the stroller around and gave a running commentary for our little man, pointing out all of the interesting animals! He may not have looked at the animals exactly but it was still fun!Here's his cute animal onesie that I thought was appropriate for the zoo. (Unfortunately it was ruined in a two time blowout and probably won't be worn again!)

This a javelina; which I really enjoyed because I love reading "The Three Javelinas" to my first graders.

My next favorite was this bald eagle! I liked their necks!

It was a long, hot day! Little man was worn out by his blowouts!

We went out to eat later and I snuck this picture of my two favorite boys together!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Tummy Time!!

I've heard how important it is to put your newborn on their stomach so they can build their neck muscles. I feel like he's doing a good job so far! But I still try everyday to put him on his stomach to get a work out. Plus I like to have a good reason to use his cute rainforest plaything. You can decide whether he really likes it or not! My baby is a cuddler and doesn't like to be on his own very much, this makes for some long nights for me for sure!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Whale of a time!

Kingston got a new bathtub the other day (Thanks Ron & Dawn!) and I love it! It's so much easier to use, I can just put it in the sink and he seems to like it!

Here he is enjoying getting a bath!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Kingston aka My Little Man

Aaron and I have a lot of family out of town and I thought it would be fun to post pictures and daily updates about my little man. He pretty much consumes my life now! I will be writing about our daily life and asking many new mom questions! So check us out!

Kingston on the first day of his new life!